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About us

Concrete Youth is a charity dedicated to enhancing the lives of people labelled as having profound and multiple learning disabilities through cultural provision.

Touring department

Consistently making trailblazing work, the touring department offers exceptional, especially designed, live sensory theatre productions for audience labelled as having PMLD. To date, Concrete Youth’s touring productions have reached over 7,500 audiences members across 5 continents since its launch in 2019.

View Theatre Productions What is Sensory Theatre?

Education Department

Winner of the Corporate Vision Best Sensory Education Award for 2023, Concrete Youth’s Education & Engagement Department is the only department in the UK linked to a theatre company to offer curriculum-focussed, sensory education for people labelled as having profound and multiple learning disabilities. The department offers sensory stories, sensory workshops, sensory parties and story massage sessions, as well as training and consultancy for theatres, schools and care settings.

Sensory Storybook School Workshops


We believe that Concrete Youth’s work is valuable to its audiences labelled with profound and multiple learning disabilities, because it aims to:

    Provide cultural provision for an audience that suffers such a severe lack of it.

    Provide positive and lasting differences to the lives of people labelled with PMLD, their families, and their carers.

    Place its audience in the driving seat of the work; audiences with PMLD will always be the central focus of Concrete Youth’s work.

    Offer training, resources, case studies and support in accessibilities to artists, arts organisations, and the public.

    Create work that is inclusive and high quality, made exclusively for audiences labelled with PMLD and in an immersive, sensory stimulating way.

    Raise awareness and the profile of access, inclusivity and our audience across society.

    Provide exceptional educational education for people labelled with PMLD throughout the UK and beyond.

    Constantly strive to support carers of people labelled with PMLD.

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